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How to start

and grow your coaching business.


Free workshop.

Access our free and on demand workshop.


This workshop is an overview of our foundation learning program ($997.00) Yours FREE.


Knowledge is our trade as a Coach.


​It will reveal to you the reason why you cannot do what you desire to do.

It will give you the tools to become


With your enrollment you will also receive your six figure start up blueprint and the ultimate step by step guide to starting your own business.

Essential tools FREE.


Enroll Now.

But first ..why a Coaching business.

Why coaching and consulting is the best online business to start now.

Starting a coaching business can be a rewarding path!

You can start small, and you can start slowly.

But you must start.

There is more behind us than ahead of us.


You can start a coaching business small because it has:

Easy Entry: Unlike some professions (such as law or medicine), coaching doesn’t require extensive certifications. While recognized certification is desirable, it’s not mandatory. It does require certain learnable skills.

Low Startup Costs = low risk. You can start a coaching business with minimal investment and basic equipment.

Diverse Niches: Coaching covers a wide range of niches, including health, career, relationships, personal finance, business, productivity, spirituality, sports, life, and parenting.

This diversity allows you to find your unique area of expertise.


High Earning Potential: people pay well for results.

An online business does not need a set location,

but there is much more to the world of online success.

If you’re good at something, or willing to become good at something, you can bet there are others who will pay you to teach them.

Knowledge is our Business.

When folks saw how well my business was going, they were practically lining up, begging me to show them how I did it. 

So, I started coaching… First, with a few 1-on-1 clients... then running a group coaching program... before ultimately creating my signature process

There would be no business, no if I did not Acquire the knowledge, learn to apply it to my life and for that I needed a coach.  I’m not the only one who’s gone this route…​

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There are coaching opportunities in every market.


But to be successful, you need clients. And not just any clients – high-quality clients, those ready and willing to pay a premium price for your services.

But where do you find clients like these…and why will they pay you?

Stay tuned.

In coaching, age often brings a wealth of experience and wisdom that can be incredibly valuable.

Your unique life journey and the knowledge you've gained can guide and inspire your clients on their own paths of growth and self-discovery.

It's all about turning your experiences into powerful lessons that help others achieve their goals and dreams.

How do you envision using your experiences to support your clients?

How will it support The Journey of Becoming.

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The ultimate guide is included.

There needs to be transparency.

It’s obvious that many consumers fail at many types of business.

Check out the internet and you will find disgruntled people for every business and business model.

These are obviously from people who choose to blame others for their mistakes.

Yet many people succeed in those very business.

It’s obvious that people need “something” that elevates them from failure to success.

It’s not the business model itself, it’s the challenges within the person.

Strategies and tactics will play a crucial role in your journey to a coaching career & income, as well as the freedom and personal impact that comes with it…

However, they can only get you so far.

As Tony Robbins famously said, success leaves clues…

And what he meant is the people that become the most successful share common traits and mindsets.

We go beyond just making a transaction, we empower people to BE more.

I have faced the same challenges as you are facing.

Persuading the body to follow the mind.

We all intuitively know what we should be doing, but getting the body to follow what the mind wants is a challenge for most people.

Having decided that I wanted a more fulfilling and financially rewarding life, but not working long hours, I was plagued by the same “what ifs” that probably you are experiencing.

What will people think….   I might fail….

I don’t have all the answers

I cannot do this.

That’s not me….

I'm to (old in my case or young) and the endless “what ifs” that prevent us.


Psychology plays an important role in helping people live better lives. By learning about the basics of behavior and the human mind, people can better understand themselves and others.

Access to the "

How your mind works" included when you enroll in THE FREE WORKSHOP.

Your Journey of BECOMING.

 The Journey of Becoming “FREE”


A Powerful Free Training to Dissolve the Emotional Blocks Standing in the Way of Living Your Best Life.


“To achieve major success in life, you must accept 100% responsibility for your life and results. Nothing less will do.”  ― Jack Canfield.


The workshop is an overview of many of the methodologies I have learned.

I make no claims to be the author of anything.

Yes, I might be, but the road less travelled has been illuminated by many people over the last few decades.

The story is still the same.

Different people tell it differently, but the concepts date back in time thousands of years.

The Kybalion is a book written long ago about these concepts from a time when ancient civilizations ruled the then know world. This knowledge was introduced to the modern world.

My claim to fame, if I have any, is the ability to take you on this journey so that you will have


a) The knowledge


b) The ability to apply the knowledge to your life


c) Present you with a coaching business opportunity that has the power to deliver the income you desire; in the hours you’re willing to invest into it.

Welcome to the Journey of Becoming FREE workshop.


- I’m so excited you’re here!


This workshop is designed to help you break free from what’s been holding you back from showing up fully as your best self – so you can finally achieve your big goals and make the leap from where you are and where you want to be.


The FastTrack Framework will help you identify the areas where you may have blocks or emotional challenges that have kept you from making progress in those areas,

so it will be easier for you to break free from these patterns of behaviour so that you can live a more fulfilling and rewarding life!


The best part is, during the training, you’ll also have the chance to gain more clarity into what you want your life to look like, as well as the goals you’ll need to achieve to make your vision a reality.

There are coaching opportunities in every market.


But to be successful, you need clients.

And not just any clients – high-quality clients, those ready and willing to pay a premium price for your services.

But where do you find clients like these… and what magic words do you need to get them to say “yes” to your coaching offer?

As a master coach helping coaches fill their calendars with high-paying clients, I will be sharing that with you in our



Years ago, I knew I was going to have a problem building a life I would love if something didn’t change.

I had kept doing what I had always done and did not understand why.

I knew I desired a joyful and abundant life, but seemed to be stuck in the endless circle of the mind says yes but the body won't follow.

But that just didn’t make sense.

Why do so many individuals have the same challenges as I was having.

How can it be that most of us will fall by the wayside?

I was accustomed to thinking that I lacked the character traits that made people successful, but how could it be that almost everyone did, too?


The image below was a keystone concept that when I understood it changed my structured way of thinking.


Structure determines behaviour.

Historically, and simple example, the structure of the country determined behaviour. Europe had a large land mass, so the Romans became great road and bridge builders, China had Genghis Khan who invaded by land, England became great ship builders and sailors, pacific islands great small sailors etc.

This is why we do what we always have done, even though we say we want something different.

We have acquired a learned structure of


and not


Content versus context:

Your current contextual ways of thought.

Your contextual way of thought gets its power from your values. Every content (information/thought) that comes to you is processed through your contextual ways of thinking.

This is a created process.

Beliefs have been created by family, community, culture county and circumstances.

Evaluate how not changing your behavior will be more painful than changing it.

At the core of our Structure is very well illuminated in the star wars episode.

Luke, very much a skeptic in his early training, tells Yoda that he can’t possibly believe he can raise the several ton plan by simply using his mind.

“I can’t believe it”, says Luke “That is why you fail”,

responds Yoda.

In addition to being a pivotal scene in the movie as young Skywalker begins to step into his new magical powers, it also teaches one of the principle aspects of how all human beings operate, and what can often keep us stuck.

The 5 Primary Drivers state simply the following:

A belief system has been learned over time.


1- What we Believe determines how we interpret information

and how we Think:


2- What we Think determines our Feelings,

based on the meaning we gave to past experiences.


3- Feelings determine our Actions:


4- Our Actions, over time, become our Habits:


5- Our Habits determine the quality and ultimate outcome of our life or,

 Our current reality:

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​Hi, I’m Bruce Ross, a business and personal growth coach, experienced in business development, and marketing.

Personal growth and success is the mental space from where you get what you want and continue to want what you have.

In my previous life I have spent 20 plus years working with indigenous communities to “overcome their circumstances” and as a result I have developed a “unique set of skills.”

These skills can be learned, and what I have come to realise is that most of us have the same basic skills plus,

We all have developed our own unique set of skills during this time.

These skills, and the knowledge I have learned have been transferred to this “workshop” so that you will have the framework to design your future into what you want it to be.

this “workshop” be of value to you?


Create the Life you would Love to live.


For maximum joy, prosperity, and abundance, think about the person you are when you are performing optimally, when you are with all the people who inspire and energize you.


Now think about all of the frustration, tension, and anxiety you feel when you work with clients who are less than ideal—not so good, right?

Wouldn’t it be great to spend every day working with clients who are ideal for you, clients whom you can hardly believe you get paid to work with?


This ideal is completely possible once you identify who you want to work with and determine with certainty that you will settle for nothing less.


We model this concept from the “Book Yourself Solid” workbook and we share this concept with you.

So many talented and inspired service professionals like you run from marketing and sales because they have come to believe that the marketing and selling process is pushy and self-centered and borders on sleazy.

This old-school paradigm is not the Book Yourself Solid way; it is the typical client-snagging mentality.

And you must never fall into this way of thinking and being.

If you do, you’ll operate in a mentality of scarcity and shame as opposed to one of abundance and integrity.

Ask yourself these questions:

How can I be fully self-expressed in my work to create meaning for me and those I serve?

How can I work only in the areas of my greatest strengths and talents so that I can shine?

How many relationships with people of purpose did I make and deepen?

How can I better listen to and serve my ideal clients?

How can I wow people with substance?

How can I overdeliver on my promises to my clients?

How can I cooperate with other professionals to create more abundance?

If you keep asking yourself these questions, set a solid foundation for your business, build trust and credibility within your marketplace, learn how to price and sell your offerings, and use the seven core self-promotion strategies, you’ll be booked solid in no time.


Ready to get started? Let’s do it.

How to start and grow your online Coaching Business.

you can download the document here.

Access this FREE on demands workshop

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